Now let's meet another Gina with an equally vivacious personality: Gina the Australian cattle dog/terrier/pit bull mix here at the SF/SPCA. The canine Gina is also a shocker. Extremely high energy, a zest for life, and a thirst for cinnamon schnapps are traits common to both Gina's. Gina the dog is only 10 months old but will probably stay energetic well into adulthood. And she needs someone who is preferably experienced (with dogs, that is). She's in our "dog-reactive" category, so not only will you need to train and work with her daily on good manners in the home but also practice good behavior and defensive dog walking. Gina kind of goes nuts at the sight or sometimes just the passing thought of other dogs. However, thanks to the progress we've made with her so far here at the SF/SPCA, she's easily swayed by the temptation of treats. She knows "sit", "stay", and "down". Praise, repetition, and a large supply of doggie biscuits will be the keys to a successful life for Gina in her forever home. If you feel up to the challenge, come in and meet her. And come bearing treats!

As of 12/12/08: