Here we are on the "tail" end of winter, and it seems everyone is either sick or has just recovered from a cold or the flu. Well, doggies get sick, too! This week let's meet some brave canines on the comeback from what ails them.
Let's meet Mona, a Golden Retriever/German Shepherd mix. While Mona is in tip-top physical shape, she does suffer from a high degree of shyness. She's not neurotic, as in "Why are you looking at me? BAAARK!!!" She's just easily startled by loud noises, sudden movements, and circus clowns (oh wait, that last one is my own personal phobia). There wasn't a single bark to be heard during our walk, but she did crouch in fear for a second when a a car honked up the street and when a truck rumbled past.
Now here's the thing about shyness: it can be overcome with a little bit of time and TLC. And then what would you have? Mona with all her beauty plus confidence. You can't lose with a combo like that!
Seriously, Mona is hot. So act fast. Adopt this girl now, 'cause she won't stay single, er, in need of adoption for long.
Strutting her stuff:

Sha-la-la-la, my brown-eyed girl:

UPDATE from April 2, 2008: Whoa, Ferron is famous! She's featured in this week's Guardian in the ad for the S.F. SPCA, complete with her photo and bio. You're a star, Ferron! Represent, girl!!!
Finally we have Sara, a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix patiently awaiting her turn (and your attention). I didn't actually walk Sara. We had a gentle in-room training and play session. Sara is recovering from having a couple benign cysts removed from her back. So she was shaved there and for the time being she gets to wear this very regal-looking towel around her neck like it's Party-at-the-Palms in Vegas. But has she got an exotic-looking face. Actually she's stunning. My snapshots don't even do her justice here. You'll just have to come in and meet her. (Sara adds: "Please.") SO polite!
As of 2/29/08:
Sara...not available yet.

Sara...not available yet.
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