After spending some quality brother-sister time on the East coast last week and hanging out with 2 of my favorite brother-sister Siamese cat adoptees, there were 2 brother-sister boxer/mix puppies, Steffi and Andre, waiting to greet me here at the SF/SPCA. OK, maybe they weren't really waiting for me per se, as they were sound asleep the whole time, but they're here, and they're beautiful!

Launching right back into my exercise program, I walked/ran Travis. He's a pleasantly fiesty 1-year old Hound/mix. Right now he's roommates with Sweet Pea, featured here back in June. Getting ready for his walk, Travis was basically bouncing off the walls. I rewarded him for each successful "sit" and eventually leashed him up. Continuing this anti-jump training will be crucial to Travis' future success in his new home, wherever that may be. He definitely knows how to sit--he just requires the repetition to positively re-enforce the behavior. But he's on the right track. And he already gets along fine with other dogs, as evidenced by his abstaining from leash-pulling or uttering a peep when we passed various other dogs in and out of the shelter. He's very affectionate with people as well as dogs, and he practically purrs when you pet him...Travis is an all-around sweet guy!
Photo evidence, exhibit A...Going in for the kiss:

As of 8/1/08:
Harvey...AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION upon Academy graduation; AVAILABLE to be met.
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