As you can see, they've changed dramatically over the course of the week: where there were four puppies napping together in a pile in the previous photo, one of the pups has now moved approximately a foot to the side at some point during the last 7 days, and there are now three puppies left napping in the pile. We'll have more astonishing developments for you next week, RIGHT HERE.
Ever since I entered kindergarten I've been learning about maturity. It's a process for me. Today I turned to 2 adult dogs, mature in age and manner, to see what light they could shed on the subject.
Skye is a 7-year old border collie mix. She's got one blue eye and one brown, just like the girl in Blue Crush:
Skye displayed some of the same behaviors we've seen in the 1-year old border collies, and some marked differences as well. The unquenchable desire to herd everything on G-d's green earth is still there in a big way. But even with the herding, Skye acts her age in other ways. She didn't lunge at anything during our walk, she's TOTALLY housebroken, and she even maintained good eye contact with me. She only really tried to herd (all) the things that came to her rather than racing frantically to them. This included me if I didn't stay on our walking path as well as any other dog that approached us or came within about 100 yards. Then she bristled, planted her feet, and waited for them to come to us. That was my cue to lead her in the opposite direction. So I'd say she's grown gracefully into the job she's been bred to do and still takes it quite seriously. She needs to be given the space to do it and would need to be the only dog in your home, for your sanity and hers.
And now for a special alignment-of-the-stars bonus: A dog named Skye guest stars in TODAY'S Mutts comic strip!Mutts has a new book out which features strips in this vein, entitled "Shelter Stories: Love. Guaranteed." If you don't have occasion to read Mutts in the newspaper, this book would be a great way to experience its artistry and power whenever you want it...or need it.
Now let's meet our next paragon of maturity and poise. Cruz, an 8-year old black lab mix, is so mature he even dresses well. Seriously, how early did he get up this morning to look this dapper?
If you've spent any time around puppies or young dogs, the contrast in Cruz' manner may surprise you. He's well-trained and has had the years of practice so that it's become second nature to him. Like Skye, Cruz walks very well and listens very well. However, he lacks the dog-reactivity and actually values peace and quiet over unrestrained barking. His attitude says, "I'm a perfect gentleman. Anything else would be uncivilized." All you would have to do is provide the home sweet home and daily strolls.
Well, if there's a lesson here, maybe it's that when you spend time around well-behaved creatures, sometimes they can rub off on you and leave you a better person. Say, that right there sounds like a great reason to adopt an animal companion!
In addition to Cruz and Skye, I walked Connie, featured here last week. Yep, she's still a soccer dog, and she's dying for someone to play soccer with her more than ever! She is very housebroken and needs walks right now because our courtyard, where we could normally let her out, is under construction. Maybe when the courtyard opens again, she and I will start an SPCA soccer league...unless you come get her first!
As of 4/28/08:Skye...AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION.
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