Watch Keanu demonstrate this classic predicament.
Here's Casey on her second walk in two minutes. Notice how it was all a big joke to her and she'd rather just kind of sit around anyway as soon as we're outside:
Now Casey's feeling repentant and saying, "I'm sorry I fooled you. Can we still be friends?" Oh, of course we can. I love ya!
Next was an Akita/Pit bull mix who hadn't been out yet: Sugar! Yes, she's as sweet as her name.

Sugar is very pretty as you can see. But she's also got loads of personality. And if you were to adopt her, you'd be very lucky to get such a well-trained girl right out of the gate: she walked when I walked, ran when I ran, and didn't lunge at anything or anyone, nor did she exhibit any noticeable fear of the usual city commotion. Mmm, Sugar!
Now for something completely different. Winnie is a Welsh Corgi/Australian Cattle dog mix. Winnie's all business. She's fun of course, and made me laugh out loud during our walk. So here's the thing: she is absolutley 100% dedicated to doing her job at all times. That job is herding people and things. You, me, the world, and everything in it.
We paused for a moment in the park to enjoy the sun on our backs and watch the soccer players. Immediately I felt a pair of paws on my lower back. I looked over my shoulder and there was Winnie up on her hind legs, herding me.

After several laps around the field:
"OK, one photo. Make it quick." Beautiful and a hard worker...that's Winnie.
As of 4/14/08:
UPDATE from April 14, 2008: This blog went silent the last couple weeks while I was working fulltime with 2 other (virtual) animals, the main characters in my thesis project.
So below are some of the awesome doggies who got walked the last couple weeks but didn't receive a blog shout-out.

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