The first dog up for a walk today got the bonus upgrade: He got adopted before we even made it out! So we had one last training session in his room. Here he is bidding me farewell just moments prior to beginning his new life:
A friend of mine asked me this evening if I had exercised today, and I said, "Yes, I walked dogs at the SPCA." Really? That counts as a workout? Well, it does when you walk a dog named Tornado. A black lab/Weimarner mix, Tornado is living proof that if the name fits, wear it! She's the most, eh, "spirited" gal I've met in quite some time. OK, she's a walking triple-shot of espresso in a bottle of Red Bull. But she also makes me want to snatch her up for myself if somebody else doesn't adopt her. She's just that awesome (if you're into that whole atomic blast-of-energy thing).
I think I can best describe the ideal candidate for Tornado's new owner with a craigslist-style job posting:
Human companion wanted by energetic, sweet lab/Weimarner mix.
Specific duties would include:
-Preparing your home for occasional impact from flying dog
-Showing lots of patience
-Preparing your body for constant impact from flying dog
Ideal candidate probably would not have:
-A need for excessive peace and quiet
-Hemophilia (just don't be a bleeder, OK?)
Not required but helpful:
-Experience with mosh pits
-Ability to take a hit from a flying furball at 400 miles per hour.
-Lasting physical fitness (better than a gym)
-Unending love and affection
-Lots of laughs
To meet Tornado for a person-to-dog interview, just come on down to the San Francisco SPCA!

As a cool-down after Tornado, I walked Bernie. He's been featured here before, and the excellent progress he's made since then (2 months ago) is evident. His chart specifically points out that he's "an affectionate, people-centered dog." That's the truth. Bernie, you're beautiful!
As of 5/12/08:
Was Tornado was moving too fast for you to get a clear photo, or is he just naturally blurry?
Thank you for pointing that out, dear reader! It's true, Tornado is naturally in state of bluriness and never stops movin'. But make sure to check out the 5/28 update on her...It really puts her in focus!
Correction: The update on Tori is posted under 6/2/08.
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