It's puppy time again! We started with a litter of 9. Then we had 7. Now there are 3 left! They're Black Lab Retriever mix puppies. And they're fuzzy. I know because I held one. Her name is Alutia. We also have Olympus and Sierra. Spot the trend yet? They're named after mountains. And they're each a mountain of fun!
If you have space in your life right now for a puppy, and are ready for the mountain of work involved in raising one, come on down and get one while they last!
Now let's progress from fuzzy to furry to fast.
Felicia, along with her roommate whom we'll meet shortly, is among our spryest and swiftest. She's a
Queensland Heeler mix and she's only 11 months old. I broke a sweat just coralling her to put on her leash. Once out of the building, 2 passers-by stopped to say hello to
Felicia. As we sprinted past, all I could say over my shoulder was, "She can't talk right now, she's in a hurry." It was all a blur, really. But after completing a few wind sprints around the park, we slowed down and Felicia sat. She even smiled for a picture. I think her smile is saying, "OK, I'm doing it. I'm sitting. Can we get back to the running now, please?" At least in this photo she's eternally sitting, captured in time:

Imagine for a moment. How would you react if you were sitting hunched over a slot machine in a run-down casino in Carson City at 4 a.m., down to your last unfiltered Camel and the last shiny quarter from your debit account whose balance at one time actually contained a comma, you fed the precious final coin into the one-armed bandit, pulled hard, and suddenly a jubilant bell rang out and the sign looming over your head lit up and said, "Jackpot!!!" If you were my estranged step-brother (who lives on the tugboat he used to captain in the Antilles but which is now dry-docked on property 20 miles outside of Carson City), you might rise to your feet and jump for joy. This sensation of boundless excitement is embodied by Felicia's roommate, the aptly-named
Jackpot is a three-year old tri-color Jack Russell terrier. Like his roommate, he's in our "High Energy" category. That's only because we don't have a category called, "Contraband M-80 firecracker." Neither of these two dogs are biters or even badly behaved. It's just that they require a regular aerobic workout program. And they also share in common the fact that once they've been properly exercised (i.e., exhausted), they can focus just fine, sitting, staying, and obeying every command.
It's endearing that even after going for a run,
Jackpot's tail is wagging so fast, 'tis but a blur:

So if gas prices are getting you down and you're so over driving to the gym, then never step on another stairmaster again and get-fit-with-Felicia or hit the Jackpot with, uh, Jackpot.
As of 6/9/08: